Lightly, Not Tightly

April 12, 2013 § 9 Comments

“You’re blessed when you’re at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule.” Matthew 5:3

Nothing is certain in international adoptions. Countries can close their doors in a moments notice, agencies can bankrupt and leave their clients reeling, fees can fluctuate, referrals can be revoked even after several months, referred children can become sick and sometimes die, requirements and policies constantly change, and timelines alter like seismic shifts.

So, as you see there are just a few things for us to stress about in this adoption journey, and part of the battle for our little one is for us to stay not only sane–but strong!


Over the past couple years we have been tested in several of the above areas and at times have “come to the end of our rope.” But, alas!, this is a good thing according to our Jesus. Because then there is only Him left…

Flashback to a blog post I wrote 2 years ago: Stress-less

Little did we know back then that the stress load we had been dealt was only a sprinkling…since then we have had dump trucks unload on us! So, how are we managing? I’ll have to say “not too bad”. (Well I still have that eye tick that continues to tock but-meh!)

A couple of weeks ago my sis-in-law asked me to join her in an Online Bible Study called Stressed Less Living. Through this study I’m learning to not let circumstances overshadow my joy or faith.

“…you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed…” Luke 10:41

I love that! So ladies–let us hold lightly, not tightly to the things we cannot control and cling to the One who is in control!

God Bless & Godspeed if you are adopting!


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